Council for Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR)
CSIR is one of the largest and most diverse public research and development organizations in India. It conducts research in various fields, including biotechnology, genomics, pharmaceuticals, and more.
Department of Biotechnology(DBT)
DBT is a government department under the Ministry of Science and Technology that promotes and funds research in biotechnology. It is responsible for advancing research in various domains like health, agriculture, and environmental biotechnology.
Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR)
ICMR is the apex body for the formulation, coordination, and promotion of biomedical research in India. It provides funding and support for medical research in the areas of disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR)
ICAR is India’s top agricultural research and education organization, involved in advancing agricultural sciences and promoting innovations in agricultural biotechnology, plant genetics, and crop improvement.